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The moonshot to save the planet

Manon Morel Thu, 01 October 2020

"The climate world is full of bold goals. The Paris Agreement itself is very ambitious, and many cities have chosen to go beyond that: committing to climate neutrality by 2030 or even 2025.

So the goals have been set. Now those goals have to be broken down to actionable targets.

But how can we set targets for the climate — in everything from the agriculture and energy sectors to transportation and industry? And can we make sure that these targets add up?

The first step is to recognise that the climate transition is not one big process. It actually consists of many individual shifts: the way we transport people and goods, the way we construct and heat our homes and the way we manage and harvest our soils. In all these cases, we want to shift from a high-carbon state to a low-carbon state.”


Read more on Apolitical about Tomer Shalit’s vision on how to drive climate action.

To learn more about the many individual shifts that will be required to reach carbon neutrality, explore the Transition Project.


(Photo by RawFilm on Unsplash)